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Why Invest in Commodities?

Hedging : price risk management Commodity derivatives is an effective tool for producers, consumers, suppliers etc of the related commodities to hedge their risk and protect themselves against unexpected and uncertain volatile price movements by monitoring commodity news and commodity charts. They can hedge raw materials/ finished goods and/or inventories: e.g. A gold jeweler may buy future contracts and fix his cost price of buying gold which would be used to make jewelry.

Direct exposure: The commodity derivatives market offers an alternative to directly trade in commodities rather than in the companies that deal in those commodities.

Simple analysis: It is much simpler to understand the impact of major economic factors that affect the commodities prices thereby making it easier for the trader to take a holistic view on the market, based on one’s analysis about the economic data, demand, supply etc. As compared to forecasting the price of the shares of a company which depend on various factors beyond demand and supply of the products they manufacture and sell. Commodity trading and price forecasting also can get a lot more efficient based on simple technical chart patterns and analysis

Leverage: small investment & bigger return potential: Derivatives, being a leveraged product , require only a small sum of money to enter into contract there by making the return on investment potential high in case of a profitable view these derivatives can be seamlessly traded/executed through our efficient online commodity trading platform

Portfolio diversification: For investors, commodity trading can also be an attractive and alternative asset class to diversify their portfolios in order to bring some stability to the portfolio. Commodity prices especially gold has been observed to have an inverse correlation with the stock markets, and the us dollar indicating that it is an asset looked upon as a safe haven against financial, economical and geo - political tensions. . It is also considered as an alternate currency and a hedge against inflation.

Badjate Stock & Shares Pvt. Ltd.
201, Mangalam Arcade,
Above Venus Book Centre, Dharampeth Extn. Nagpur - 440010 Maharashtra, India.

Advisory for Investors Complaints Data January 2025 Broking Complaints Data January 2025 PMS Complaints Data January 2025 DP

Filing complaints on SCORES Easy & quick

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  • > Mandatory details for filing complaints on SCORES
    • Name
    • PAN
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  • > Benefits:
    • Effective communication
    • Speedy redressal of the grievances
Process Flow of Complaint Redressal Mechanism

Details of Client Bank account of Badjate Stock & Shares Private Limited:

  • 1)Client Bank account Number : 01020340001341 / 57500000546632
  • 2)Name of Bank Account :
  • 3)IFSC : HDFC0000102
  • 4)BRANCH : Shankar Nagar / Dharampeth Extn Nagpur
  • 5)MICR – 440240002

Dear Investor,
As you are aware, under the rapidly evolving dynamics of financial markets, it is crucial for investors to remain updated and well-informed about various aspects of investing in securities market. In this connection, please find a link to the BSE Investor Protection Fund website where you will find some useful educative material in the form of text and videos, so as to become an informed investor. We believe that an educated investor is a protected investor !!!


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